Posts in Shows

Past performers discount

Dreadful Girl shows would be nothing without the amazing cast of performers, and we want to show[…]

Let’s Go Crazy helps support renegade marching band Chaotic Noise

Are you coming to closing night on Saturday? Bring your dollars, because we’re having a raffle! Our[…]

Meet the Cast: Billy Scream

Starring Billy Scream as Dr. Scream Billy Scream has been performing on the burlesque stage since 2003.[…]

Meet the Cast: Mitzy Sixx

Burlesque by Mitzy Sixx Since 2009, Mitzy Sixx has left audiences screaming, laughing, and a little confused[…]

Meet the Cast: Tootsie Spangles

Burlesque by Tootsie Spangles ​​​Tootsie Spangles has been performing professionally for over a decade. She is a[…]

Meet the Cast: Iva Handfull

Burlesque by Iva Handfull Iva Handfull is a modern heathen in the Burlesque world, an albino Grace[…]

Meet the Cast: Tamara the Trapeze Lady

Burlesque and Trapeze by Tamara the Trapeze Lady Tamara “The Trapeze Lady” has been spreading love, lust[…]

See it again and again with Go Crazy tickets

We are so confident that you are going to want to see this amazing show more than[…]

Meet the Cast: Kesan Holt

Starring Kesan Holt as Detective Dick Tasty Kesan is an actor, comedian, teacher, and producer from Milwaukee,[…]

Meet the cast: Cirquesse

Burlesque by Cirquesse Cirquesse is Seattle’s ‘Hooping Hottie With The Naughty Body’! She first picked up a[…]